Salon better have fantastic Heating and Air Conditioning settings
Salon better have fantastic Heating and Air Conditioning settings
I’m actually not the type of woman who ever treats myself. I do not spend a lot of money to keep myself cheerful, healthy, or motivated in this world. In fact, I’m the kind of woman who purposely tries to be as low maintenance as possible. This is why I was especially adamant about the high quality of the salon I was going to attend last month. I was convinced that I needed to go get a hairsplit and color in time for my sister’s birthday. Unfortunately, she insisted that I see a professional hair stylist. All I could tell her was, they better have amazing indoor air quality control systems. I cannot tell you how more than 2 times I visited the salon as a kid and was chilly chilly the entire time I sat in the chair. If you have ever had a long hairsplit and coloring experience you know how uncomfortable it can be, regardless of indoor air temperature. Even with the most ideal heating, cooling, and air quality control settings, it is not fun to sit still for 4 hours straight. I remembered more than 2 times that I was trapped in the barber’s chair with ice chilly air conditioner pounding down on my head from an overhead vent. I shivered for more than 2 hours straight under the Abundant air conditioner system. When I asked my stylist about decreasing the temperature control, she replied to me that the indoor air temperature control settings were locked. If something like this cooling system debacle happens ever again, I swear I will never go back to a salon in my life.