Pregnant and HVAC reliant
Pregnant and HVAC reliant
I know our energy bills are going to be through the roof after this cooling disaster
When my husband said that he wanted to have kids I looked at him like he was insane. Then, I shrugged and told him good luck with his pregnancies. It really gets my goat when men try to pretend that having children is an equal ordeal for everyone. Clearly, women get the short end of the stick when it comes to carrying the baby around and caring for the thing after it comes popping out. This is why I was not excited when my pregnancy test came back positive. Here we go, looks like my husband is getting his way. The timing couldn’t be worse. Especially, considering that it was in the middle of a hot and brutal summer when I was expected to give birth. This means, the end of my pregnancy took place in the middle of the hottest, most humid part of the year. If you have ever been stuffed full of an extra 10 or 15 pounds of weight and dealing with the most uncomfortable sweaty air temperature you can imagine, you know that it is not fun. For the past several weeks I have been utterly miserable trying to manage my own temperature in conjunction with our indoor air temperature. We never had a very powerful heating, cooling, and air quality control system to begin with. Now, it feels like the air conditioning system doesn’t work at all. Everyday I feel like I am waddling to the thermostat a hundred times to turn down the indoor air temperature. I know our energy bills are going to be through the roof after this cooling disaster. And then, we have all of the hospital bills to deal with. Yay, kids.