Fate, HVAC tech chatted with me at gas station

Fate, HVAC tech chatted with me at gas station

While I was at the gas station I was absolutely shocked to see a large heating, cooling, and ventilation repair truck next to me

Sometimes I wonder if the universe is actually plotting for us. I think a lot of us have the negative nihilistic mindset that the world is often working against us and trying to sabotage all of our happiness. However, it seems to me like an awful lot of events just fall into my lap in the most perfect way possible. I’m not saying that I don’t also go through the trials of human suffering, but I think that many of my difficult times have a larger purpose in the long run. This has been clear when it comes to my indoor air temperature and air quality control system, in particular. A few weeks ago I started noticing that my central heating, cooling, and ventilation system was not producing the same high-quality indoor air that I was used to. I could adjust my thermostat very easily, but I did not notice the intended air temperature changes so readily. When I tried to inspect the forced air furnace and large cooling system myself, I had no idea what I was looking for. Unfortunately, right around this time I lost my job. This meant, I was not going to be calling the nearest heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shop for help on my indoor air temperature devices. Instead, I decided to fill my car with gas and enjoy the air conditioning for a few minutes. While I was at the gas station I was absolutely shocked to see a large heating, cooling, and ventilation repair truck next to me. I struck up a conversation with the driver of the HVAC repair truck and we hit it off. One week later my heating, cooling, and ventilation system was fully repaired… And I had a new job at the HVAC dealership.


