Don’t forget HVAC – cleaning for parties

Don’t forget HVAC – cleaning for parties

Sometimes when I think back on my old way of living I get very depressed.

To be fair, I also feel extremely impressed by the things that I used to regularly accomplish.

You see, when I was dating my ex he was extremely demanding. When we lived together, the necessities for his care only increased. I found myself running around the house more often than not cleaning up after both of us. This was extremely frustrating, especially when he decided he was going to have guests over for parties. Then, I really had a lot of cleaning to do. No matter what, it was never enough. I’ll never forget the time that he publicly shamed me because the heating, cooling, and air quality control system was not clean enough for him. He decided that the indoor air quality was suffering. He said that there were hot and cold patches throughout the entire house and more airborne contaminants than he could possibly live with. He was insulted that I would subject his guests to such low quality indoor air when it would have been extremely easy to make a professional heating and cooling appointment. When I reminded him that we didn’t have money in the household budget for any HVAC inspections or professional repairs, he shrugged his shoulders and told me the air quality was still easily resolved. Why didn’t I simply put on some dirty clothes and figure out how to clean the ductwork myself? Yeah, I’m pretty glad to have avoided enduring that hot and cold relationship for another moment of my life.
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