Sunroom needs heating
Sunroom needs heating
I can’t possibly perform my creative hobbies without more adequate indoor air temperature control, such as a method to heat the uncomfortably cold outdoor air
For several years I argued with my wife about the utility of purchasing a house with a sun room. I have been convinced that a sunroom would be an amazing addition to our lives. I love being outdoors in nature and I have a lot of creative hobbies, as well. If I could perform my creative tasks while feeling surrounded by nature I believe that I would be in heaven. My wife, on the other hand, believes that sunrooms are a waste of money because they will always be too uncomfortable to utilize. I hate to say it… But she might be right about the air temperature issue. We wound up purchasing a house with a large sunroom that felt absolutely amazing and comfortable inside when we were viewing the property. However, when the air temperature dropped after we moved in I noticed a major shift in the attractive quality of the sunroom. It is too bitterly cold and drafty to want to spend time in that space these days. Every time I walk out there I feel my body temperature drop several degrees. I can’t possibly perform my creative hobbies without more adequate indoor air temperature control, such as a method to heat the uncomfortably cold outdoor air. I don’t want to tell my wife that we need to invest in a heating system for the sunroom to be useful. Therefore, I keep looking online for a used heating implement that I could casually bring home without raising suspicion. In the meantime, I have been trying to paint in mittens and heavy winter coats.