Trying to get the perfect shelf for my collection
Trying to get the perfect shelf for my collection
I do a lot of traveling for work since I go to business meetings all over.
I have seen a lot of different countries.
Everytime I am there, I buy a little trinket as a momento. I’ve purchased stones, vases, necklaces, clothing, hats and even shoes. Not too long ago, I had no way to display them properly. The pieces were scattered all over the condo. Some of them were stuffed into boxes. I had expensive jewelry just sitting in the back of my closet. I finally decided that I wanted to dedicate a big wall in the entryway to my collection. I wanted to be able to see in addition to use each item. I started looking around for some type of shelving system. I checked furniture shops in addition to hardware shops. I spent a very long time searching online in addition to considered everything. I looked at all different types of materials, checked sizes and the look of each piece. I didn’t like anything, and nothing was versatile enough to accommodate the size range of the pieces in my collection. I was reluctant to put something bland or of cheap quality materials into my entryway. As I was searching around, I came across a custom furniture builder in addition to shot him an email. He immediately responded in addition to asked for further explanations in addition to measurements. As him and I emailed back in addition to forth, I became more impressed with his ideas in addition to attention to my shelving project. I checked out his custom furniture past work in addition to was truly amazed by the gorgeous pieces he’d created for people.