No ventilation on public transportation
No ventilation on public transportation
I’m a fan of saving the environment and try my best not to contribute to our generation’s carbon footprint.
I’m a big fan of alternative transportation methods and try not to drive any opportunity that I get.
I personally prefer walking and biking to most other options, but sometimes those aren’t feasible for the situation at hand. At that point, I must admit that I’m reluctant to use public transportation, not because I think I’m too good to share my ride with others, but because they always have terrible ventilation. It seems like there should be modern technology capable of regulating HVAC units across the entire lengths of buses and trains, but I have yet to find a comfortable public transportation vehicle. I swear that it feels like they have no temperature control at all, no matter if it’s the dead of summer or winter. In the summer it’s worse, however, because so many people are crammed into a small space sharing the hot air and sweating on each other. There’s little, if any, air flow throughout the vehicles, and it certainly doesn’t feel like they’re operating modern air conditioning units. I would prefer to be able to open the windows and let some hot air into the cars, rather than being stuck with recirculating hot indoor air that has already been expelled by strangers’ mouths. Honestly, I’m probably better off walking long distances then being trapped inside one of these ventilation black holes on any given summer day. I’ll take fresh air and the pounding sun over public transport any day.