I Believe Saturdays are the Best Day of the Week

I Believe Saturdays are the Best Day of the Week

Even though I don’t have a heavy workweek anymore, I still enjoy it when Saturday comes around.

There are more of my friends out and about and more action on the beach.

It can get a bit too quiet here during the weekdays so I always welcome weekends with open arms. Sundays seem to get a bit slower especially in the evening so I would have to say that Saturdays are the best. I plan on hitting the beach today and just getting some sun. I can’t play volleyball for another couple months while my body heals though. I am going to clean out my oil heater today because I noticed it smelling some when it is running. I’m not sure what is causing the smell but I think it might be dust or oil residue somewhere inside the unit. I’m not an HVAC tech by any means but I am good with finding solutions online most of the time. I just did some yoga and am going to vacuum the house before this kitten arrives that I am adopting. I don’t want to scare it with the sound of the vacuum so I’d better get it done before it comes in a couple hours. I also have a HEPA filter in my vacuum so it should be good for picking up cat hair and whatnot on the floors and furniture. I plan on training the cat to use my toilet instead of a litter box to keep things simpler and cleaner in my flat. Wish me luck with that!

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