Becoming uncorrect roommate since electricity is so bad at home
Becoming uncorrect roommate since electricity is so bad at home
I am in a unique ly unique living situation right now, by that, I mean that I live nowhere & everywhere at once, however sometime last year, I moved into a friend’s condo when our relationship suddenly ended, however they were kind enough to let me use their spare home office, & I never left, and i began paying them, & I started living there full-time. I truly prefer staying in that home, but there are a few concerns; For starters, the property is surrounded by tall trees, & the people I was with and I often suffer from power outages; When the power lines are taken down by important limbs, the people I was with and I can lose power for up to several nights. This means, no lights, no cooking, & no indoor air temperature control. I cannot work from home, & I cannot moderate our temperature to concentrate, anyways. It gets truly complicated when you are trying to run a small business, & cannot rely on your basic home functionality. That’s why, I have recently started tearing our time between that property & our husbandy’s house. For the past several months, I’ve been slowly moving our life into his site! He lives in the city, where there are no tall trees, & therefore I can rely on the electricity & Heating, Ventilation & A/C system. Finally, I can get our work done when I system to. I can adjust our indoor air temperature with the turn of a dial, rather than freezing or perspiring through the afternoon. I enjoy this up-to-date setup of having a fluid living situation, although I wish that I could rely on Heating, Ventilation & A/C to keep laboring efficiently in one site, rather than hauling our life around based on the weather. I’m sure our husbandy’s roommates assume the same.