Trying to afford a furnace repair
Trying to afford a furnace repair
I am now making payments on the furnace repair
When the newest model of computer became available, I was so excited and wanted to buy it right away. Even when I saw the huge price tag, I still wanted it. The cost was almost the same as my entire paycheck! I don’t earn that much money, so I need to be cautious with how I spend it. I really wanted that laptop, however, so I started taking a little bit of my paycheck each month and tucking it into my savings account. It took me eight months until I had enough saved up. I calculated all of my various expenses before I dared to buy anything that expensive. I was looking to empty my savings account. Groceries, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene supplies and all my payments were covered. I was sure I was all set to make the purchase. I should have realized that I needed to set aside an emergency fund. I left myself completely broke. That’s not a good idea, especially if something goes wrong. The morning after the purchase of my new laptop, my gas furnace malfunctioned. The furnace still produced a steady supply of air, but it was no longer warm. I don’t know anything about heating technology or how to repair a furnace. I had no idea what to do about the furnace problem. I knew it was no longer heating my house and I was freezing. I had no choice but to call an HVAC contractor to fix the problem. I was upset that I’d spent my savings. I had already paid for the laptop. Since the weather was turning colder, I couldn’t wait to get the furnace repaired. I was fortunate that the HVAC contractor offered financing. I am now making payments on the furnace repair. At least I have a working heating system.